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  • Photo of APICO Pain Management™'s new office in Lewes, DE.

    New Office in Lewes, DE

    Dr. Abdallah and his team are opening APICO’s newest office in Lewes, DE. It’s located right next to Station on Kings Bakery/Coffee emporium in the Kings Way medical office center. The address…Read more

  • Photo of Dr. Rany Abdallah lecturing about pain management from his Lewes, DE office

    Double Board Certified?

    What are some advantages of seeing a pain management doctor who is Double Board Certified?” Definition: Double Board Certified in medicine means that a doctor has passed certification exams in…Read more

  • Photo of NANS panel of guests with Dr. Rany Abdallah standing on right.

    NANS Conference

    2023 NANS Conference: It was an honor to be at the Annual North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS) meeting held in Las Vegas! So exciting to present as #Faculty, provide demonstrations of new #MedicalDevices,…Read more

  • Photo of woman having a migraine headache holding her head.

    Migraine Headaches?

    If you suffer from migraine headaches, how can APICO Pain Management™ specialists provide relief? Let’s look at some of the factors and how we can help. 1. APICO Pain Management™ will provide a…Read more

  • Photo of a seated man in pain, holding his lower back.

    Spinal Stenosis?

    #SpinalStenosis is a condition in which the spinal canal becomes narrow, putting pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. This can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the legs and feet….Read more

  • Photo of Rany Abdallah MD, PhD, MBA and Erica Abdallah, PA-C standing in their Bear, DE office.

    What’s Multimodal Pain Management?

    QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is Multimodal Pain Management? One of our most frequent questions is when our patients ask, “What is multimodal pain management?” So we thought we’d get down…Read more

  • Photo of Sonia Palermo, NP

    Welcome Sonia Palermo, NP!

    APICO Pain Management™ has offices located throughout Delaware, and today we are pleased to announce the latest addition to our staff, Sonia Palermo, NP. As a Nurse Practitioner, Sonia has an extensive…Read more

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